The Center for Vision, Cognition, Learning, and Autonomy (VCLA) is affiliated with the Departments of Statistics and Computer Science at UCLA. We start from Computer Vision and expand to other disciplines. Our objective is to pursue a unified framework for representation, learning, inference and reasoning, and to build intelligent computer systems for real world applications. Our projects span four directions:
- Vision: image and video parsing, scene understanding, scheduling top-down/bottom-up processes, spatial-temporal-causal and-or graphs;
- Cognition: functionality, intuitive physics, intentionality, perceptual causality, theory-of-mind, and visual persuasion;
- Learning: information projection, stochastic grammars, and-or graph learning, and lifelong communicative learning;
- Autonomy: human robot collaboration, multi-agent task planning, situated dialogue, human value and moral norm.
In recent years, our projects have extended to areas in robot automation, language and dialogues, communications and social science, and AI.
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