

FindEgret - A simple test case of detection using shape script.


This is a script file.


 FindEgret - A simple test case of detection using shape script.

   Detect egrets with a simple egret/pelican shape script template.

   The shape script template is found at "result/egret/egret_template.eps" or
 "result/egret/template.png". The detection results together with S3 and S2 maps
 are found at "result/egret".


This function calls: This function is called by:


0001 % FindEgret - A simple test case of detection using shape script.
0002 %
0003 %   Detect egrets with a simple egret/pelican shape script template.
0004 %
0005 %   The shape script template is found at "result/egret/egret_template.eps" or
0006 % "result/egret/template.png". The detection results together with S3 and S2 maps
0007 % are found at "result/egret".
0009 clear
0010 close all
0011 addpath('common');
0013 category = 'egret';
0015 %% load the S2 (shape motif) dictionary and S3 (shape script) template
0016 load template_params
0017 load result/transformedS2Template.mat
0018 load result/egret/shapescript.mat
0020 %% load the testing image
0022 Iname = {'l1.jpg','l2.jpg','l3.jpg','l4.jpg','l5.jpg',...
0023     'l6.jpg','l7.jpg','l8.jpg','l9.jpg','l10.jpg',...
0024     'l11.jpg','l12.jpg','l13.jpg','l14.jpg','l15.jpg',...
0025     'l16.jpg','l17.jpg','l18.jpg','l19.jpg','l20.jpg',...
0026     'l4_dup.jpg', 'l12_dup.jpg', 'l12_dup2.jpg', 'l21.jpg', 'l22.jpg',...
0027     'l23.jpg','l24.jpg','l25.jpg','l26.jpg','l27.jpg',...
0028     'l28.jpg','l29.jpg','l30.jpg'};
0029 imScale = [1.2 1.2 1 2 1,...
0030     1 1.2 0.9 0.9 1,...
0031     0.95 1 1.1 1 1,...
0032     1.1 0.8 1.2 1.2 0.9,...
0033     1.15 1.1 1.2 .55 .3,...
0034     .3 .25 .3 .3 .4,...
0035     .3 .35 .3];
0038 subsampleM1 = 1;
0039 for iImage = 1:length(Iname)
0040     im = imread( sprintf('image/%s/%s',category,Iname{iImage}) );
0041     im = imresize( im,imScale(iImage),'nearest' );
0043     if size(im,3) == 3
0044         im = rgb2gray(im);
0045     end
0047     im = single(im);
0048     S1Map = applyfilterMultiScale({im},GaborFilter, nGaborOri);
0050     % sigmoid transform
0051     nImage = 1;
0052     heightS1Map = zeros(length(S1Map),1,'single');
0053     widthS1Map = zeros(length(S1Map),1,'single');
0054     for i = 1:length(S1Map)
0055         heightS1Map(i) = size(S1Map{i},1);
0056         widthS1Map(i) = size(S1Map{i},2);
0057     end
0058     tmpNGaborOri = 1;
0059     for i = 1:length(S1Map)
0060         Csigmoid(nImage, heightS1Map(i), widthS1Map(i), tmpNGaborOri, GaborSaturation, S1Map(i));
0061     end
0063     % compute M1 map
0064     sizeGaborPerScale = zeros(nGaborScale,1,'single');
0065     for iS = 1:nGaborScale
0066         sizeGaborPerScale(iS) = size( GaborFilter{(iS-1)*nGaborOri+1}, 1 );
0067     end
0068     locationShift = .2;
0069     oriShift = 1;
0070     [M1Map M1Trace M1RowShift M1ColShift M1OriShift] = ...
0071         CcomputeMAX1( nGaborOri, S1Map, locationShift, oriShift, sizeGaborPerScale, subsampleM1 );
0073     % compute S2 map
0074     S2Map = CcomputeSUM2( nGaborOri, M1Map, TransformedTemplate, subsampleS2 );
0076     % compute M2 map
0077     locationPerturbationFraction = 0.2; subsampleM2 = 1;
0078     M2Map = cell(nTransform, nS2);
0079     M2LocationTrace = cell(nTransform, nS2);
0080     M2TransformTrace = cell(nTransform, nS2);
0081     for iS2 = 1:nS2
0082         sizeTemplate = zeros(nTransform,1);
0083         for iT = 1:nTransform
0084             sizeTemplate(iT) = sqrt( ...
0085                 size(TransformedTemplate{iT,iS2}.sym,1)...
0086                 * size(TransformedTemplate{iT,iS2}.sym,2) ) / subsampleS2;
0087         end
0088         [M2Map(:,iS2) M2LocationTrace(:,iS2) M2TransformTrace(:,iS2) storedM2LocationShift] = ...
0089               CcomputeMAX2( templateAffMat, S2Map((iS2-1)*nTransform + (1:nTransform)), locationPerturbationFraction, ... 
0090                  int32(sizeTemplate), subsampleM2 );
0091         storedSizeS2Template{iS2} = sizeTemplate;
0092     end
0094     %% detection
0095     subsampleS3 = 1;
0096     %
0097     % Compute SUM 3 map :
0098     %
0099     S3Map = CcomputeSUM3_loglinear( M2Map, S3Template, subsampleS3, nTransform );
0100     selectedTransform = S3Template{1}.selectedTransform;
0101     selectedRow = S3Template{1}.selectedRow;
0102     selectedCol = S3Template{1}.selectedCol;
0103     selectedS2Ind = S3Template{1}.selectedInd;
0104     selectedLambda = S3Template{1}.selectedLambda;
0105     selectedLogZ = S3Template{1}.selectedLogZ;
0106     nF = length(selectedTransform);
0107     %
0108     %
0109     %
0110     storedS3Map = S3Map;
0111     minval = min(S3Map{1}(:));
0113     maxval = 10;
0114     count = 0;
0115     maxDetection = 1; % maximum number of detections, currently we only detect the maximum one
0118     while maxval > -10
0119         count = count + 1;
0120         if count > maxDetection
0121             break;
0122         end
0124         % find the best position
0125         [maxval ind] = max(S3Map{1}(:));
0126         col = ceil(ind/size(S3Map{1},1));
0127         row = ind - (col-1) * size(S3Map{1},1);
0129         overlay = single(im);
0130         mask = zeros(size(im));
0131         for iF = 1:nF
0132             iT = selectedTransform(iF)+1;
0133             iS2 = selectedS2Ind(iF) + 1;
0135             part_row = row + selectedRow(iF);
0136             part_col = col + selectedCol(iF);
0137             if part_row <= 0 || part_col <= 0 || part_row > size(S3Map{1},1) || part_col > size(S3Map{1},2)
0138                 continue;
0139             end
0141             % trace the deformation for each part
0142             part_loc_trace = M2LocationTrace{iT,iS2}(part_row,part_col) + 1;
0143             part_trans_trace = M2TransformTrace{iT,iS2}(part_row,part_col) + 1; % in matlab, the index start from 1
0144             S2Size = storedSizeS2Template{iS2}(part_trans_trace); % size of the S2 template
0145             part_row = part_row * subsampleS2 + floor( .5 + storedM2LocationShift(part_loc_trace,1) * S2Size ) * subsampleS2;
0146             part_col = part_col * subsampleS2 + floor( .5 + storedM2LocationShift(part_loc_trace,2) * S2Size ) * subsampleS2;
0148             S2T = TransformedTemplate{part_trans_trace,iS2};
0150             for iGabor = 1:length(S2T.selectedRow)
0151                 gabor_row = part_row + S2T.selectedRow(iGabor);
0152                 gabor_col = part_col + S2T.selectedCol(iGabor);
0153                 gabor_ori = S2T.selectedOri(iGabor) + 1;
0154                 gabor_scale = S2T.selectedScale(iGabor) + 1;
0155                 if gabor_row <= 0 || gabor_col <= 0 || gabor_row > size(im,1) || gabor_col > size(im,2)
0156                     continue;
0157                 end
0158                 gabor_trace = M1Trace{(gabor_scale-1)*nGaborOri+gabor_ori}(gabor_row,gabor_col) + 1;
0159                 gabor_dr = single(M1RowShift{gabor_scale}(gabor_trace,gabor_ori));
0160                 gabor_dc = single(M1ColShift{gabor_scale}(gabor_trace,gabor_ori));
0161                 gabor_do = single(M1OriShift{gabor_scale}(gabor_trace,gabor_ori));
0162                 gabor_row = gabor_row + gabor_dr;
0163                 gabor_col = gabor_col + gabor_dc;
0164                 gabor_ori = gabor_do + 1; % note: gabor_do is already the transformed orientation
0165                 while gabor_ori > nGaborOri
0166                     gabor_ori = gabor_ori - nGaborOri;
0167                 end
0168                 while gabor_ori <= 0
0169                     gabor_ori = gabor_ori + nGaborOri;
0170                 end
0172                 % strength of this Gabor symbol (between 0 and 1)
0173                 S1score = S1Map{(gabor_scale-1)*nGaborOri+gabor_ori}(gabor_row,gabor_col);
0174                 S1score = S1score - 3; % These two parameters are just for display purpose
0175                 priorS1 = 0.5;
0176                 strength = priorS1 * exp(S1score) / ( (1-priorS1) + priorS1 * exp(S1score) );
0177                 strength = max(0.8,strength);
0179                 % Gabor symbol
0180                 patch = strength * GaborSymbol{(gabor_scale-1)*nGaborOri+gabor_ori};
0182                 % below: the bounding box for Gabor inside the image
0183                 top2 = gabor_row - floor(size(patch,1)/2);
0184                 left2 = gabor_col - floor(size(patch,2)/2);
0185                 for c = 1:size(patch,2)
0186                     for r = 1:size(patch,1)
0187                         c2 = left2 + c - 1;
0188                         r2 = top2 + r - 1;
0189                         if r2 <= 0 || r2 > size(mask,1) || c2 <= 0 || c2 > size(mask,2)
0190                             continue;
0191                         end
0192                         val = patch(r,c);
0193                         if val > mask(r2,c2)
0194                             mask(r2,c2) = val;
0195                         end
0196                     end
0197                 end
0198             end
0200         end
0202         h = figure;
0203         subplot(2,3,1);imshow(im+200*mask,[]);
0204         subplot(2,3,2);imshow(S3Map{1},[]);
0205         subplot(2,3,4);imshow(M2Map{selectedTransform(1)+1,selectedS2Ind(1)+1},[]);
0206         subplot(2,3,5);imshow(M2Map{selectedTransform(2)+1,selectedS2Ind(2)+1},[]);
0207         subplot(2,3,6);imshow(M2Map{selectedTransform(3)+1,selectedS2Ind(3)+1},[]);
0208         mkdir(sprintf('result/%s',category));
0209         saveas(h,sprintf('result/%s/detection%d_%s',category,count,Iname{iImage}));
0210         save(sprintf('result/%s/detectionResult%d_%s.mat',category,count,Iname{iImage}),...
0211             'im','mask','S3Map','M2Map', 'storedSizeS2Template');
0212         close;
0214         % inhibit the local region for the next detection
0215         for r = row - floor(S3size/2/subsampleS2) : row + floor(S3size/2/subsampleS2)
0216             for c = col - floor(S3size/2/subsampleS2) : col + floor(S3size/2/subsampleS2)
0217                 if r <= 0 || c <= 0 || r > size(S3Map{1},1) || c > size(S3Map{1},2)
0218                     continue;
0219                 end
0220                 S3Map{1}(r,c) = minval;
0221             end
0222         end
0223     end
0224 end

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