

ConstructEgretShapeScript - Construct egret shape script template.


This is a script file.


 ConstructEgretShapeScript - Construct egret shape script template.

   The shape script contains an ellipsoid, an angle, and two pairs of parallel bars.


This function calls: This function is called by:


0001 % ConstructEgretShapeScript - Construct egret shape script template.
0002 %
0003 %   The shape script contains an ellipsoid, an angle, and two pairs of parallel bars.
0005 clear
0006 close all
0007 addpath('common');
0009 % lesson learned:
0010 %  it is easier to watch the S1map, M1Map, S2Map, M2map when debugging.
0012 %% specify an S3 template
0013 % Firstly specify the absolute positions of ellispoids, then transform them
0014 %   to positions on the subsampled lattice.
0016 % load the S2 dictionary
0017 load template_params
0018 load result/transformedS2Template.mat
0020 subsampleS2 = 3;
0021 selectedRow = single([0 -45 -40 -20]);
0022 selectedCol = single([0 -50 -30 -30]);
0023 selectedTransform = single([114 7 18 18]-1);
0024 selectedS2Ind = single([0 1 2 2]);
0025 % selectedRow = 0;
0026 % selectedCol = 0;
0027 % selectedTransform = selectedTransform(2);
0028 % selectedS2Ind = selectedS2Ind(2);
0029 nF = length(selectedRow);
0030 top = min(selectedRow);
0031 bottom = max(selectedRow);
0032 left = min(selectedCol);
0033 right = max(selectedCol);
0034 S3size = max(bottom-top,right-left);
0035 selectedLambda = 3 * single(ones(1,nF));
0036 selectedLogZ = single(4 * ones(1,nF));
0039 %% display the S3 template
0040 % TODO: When drawing the S3 template, re-center the features first. Do the same for S2 templates.
0041 margin = 60;
0042 height = bottom - top + 1 + 2 * margin;
0043 width = right - left + 1 + 2 * margin;
0044 canvas = zeros(height,width);
0045 for iF = 1:nF
0046     iT = selectedTransform(iF)+1;
0047     iS2 = selectedS2Ind(iF) + 1;
0048     patch = TransformedTemplate{iT,iS2}.sym;
0049     row = selectedRow(iF) + floor(height/2);
0050     col = selectedCol(iF) + floor(width/2);
0051     %
0052     % place the patch to (row,col)
0053     %
0054     % below: the bounding box inside the large canvas
0055     top2 = row - floor(size(patch,1)/2);
0056     left2 = col - floor(size(patch,2)/2);
0057     bottom2 = top2 + size(patch,1) - 1;
0058     right2 = left2 + size(patch,2) - 1;
0059     %
0060     for c = 1:size(patch,2)
0061         for r = 1:size(patch,1)
0062             val = patch(r,c);
0063             if val > canvas(top2+r-1,left2+c-1)
0064                 canvas(top2+r-1,left2+c-1) = val;
0065             end
0066         end
0067     end
0068 end
0069 canvas([1:2 end-1:end],:) = max(canvas(:))/2;
0070 canvas(:,[1:2 end-1:end]) = max(canvas(:))/2;
0073 category = 'egret';
0074 h=figure; imshow(-canvas,[]);
0075 mkdir(sprintf('result/%s',category));
0076 saveas(h,sprintf('result/%s/template.png',category));
0077 saveas(h,sprintf('result/%s/%s_template.eps',category,category), 'epsc');
0078 close
0079 S3Template = cell(1,1);
0080 S3Template{1} = struct('selectedRow',floor(selectedRow/subsampleS2),'selectedCol',floor(selectedCol/subsampleS2),...
0081     'selectedInd',selectedS2Ind,'selectedTransform',selectedTransform,'selectedLambda',selectedLambda...
0082     ,'selectedLogZ',selectedLogZ);
0085 %% Compute an adjacency matrix of S2 templates (used in computing M2 maps)
0086 nTransform = size(TransformedTemplate,1);
0087 nS2 = size(TransformedTemplate,2);
0088 templateAffMat = cell(nTransform,1);
0089 for iT = 1:nTransform
0090     tmp = templateTransform{iT};
0091     s1 = tmp(1); rs1 = tmp(2); cs1 = tmp(3); r1 = tmp(4);
0092     neighbors = [];
0093     for jT = 1:nTransform
0094         tmp = templateTransform{jT};
0095         s2 = tmp(1); rs2 = tmp(2); cs2 = tmp(3); r2 = tmp(4);
0096         alpha1 = single(r1)/nGaborOri*pi ;
0097         alpha2 = single(r2)/nGaborOri*pi ;
0098         diff_alpha = alpha1 - alpha2;
0099         while diff_alpha < 0
0100             diff_alpha = diff_alpha + pi;
0101         end
0102         while diff_alpha >= pi
0103             diff_alpha = diff_alpha - pi;
0104         end
0105         if diff_alpha > pi/2
0106             diff_alpha = pi - diff_alpha;
0107         end
0108         if abs(s2 - s1) <= 0 ...
0109                 && diff_alpha < pi/3;
0110             neighbors = [neighbors jT];
0111         end
0112     end
0113     templateAffMat{iT} = int32(neighbors-1);
0114 end
0116 % save
0117 save(sprintf('result/%s/shapescript.mat',category),'templateAffMat','S3Template','nTransform','nS2','nF','S3size', 'subsampleS2');

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